Call center is an important hub in this era of technology and digitally influenced life.
Work is mostly influenced by screens these days and is handled via technology. This center of connectivity is important for the customers to earn and give an outlook about products.
Contact centers handle queries of customers by routing it to a concerned department, and contacts are tracked while data is also gathered in this tech hub.
The better a call center serves its customers, the more it will be counted as one of the best choices of people. After all, a call center is the portal that connects the brand to people, and vice versa. As per a report by Microsoft’s State of Global Customer Service, 58% users feel that customer support is an influential factor affecting their preferred choice for a brand.
Thereafter we have enlisted 5 call center technologies that will make an impact in 2021:
1. Cloud Technology in Call Centers to Reduce the Burden
Cloud-based technology is the go-to solution for every industry and individual now. Then, why not for call centers! High-end CRM and other technological advancements will help companies to focus more on nurturing the leads, that too with limited resources and budget. Yes, now it is possible to own a call center for running your business without a second thought on pricing. With a growing business and large ambit of an audience, this call center technology can even work remotely, serving clients 24×7 from anywhere.
2. Retaining More Customers with Multichannel Approach
One might not be always available to attend phone calls. This will not only hamper your marketing but also your company.
That’s exactly where Omni channel technology comes to the rescue where the client data can be extracted from a previous communication, rather than asking them for the same time and again. Past research has shown that this technology has been able to retain 89% of the clients.
3. AI-Enabled IVR
It is surely one of the most advanced call center technologies of this year. If not anything, you will surely think of IVR because it has the capability to detect the tones and accents of the customers with a higher accuracy rather than the old speech recognition systems.
It is a 1:1 communication, already proven as an effective customer care technology. Research work shows that most of the clients are not ready to wait for their turn to be connected to a live agent for more than 5 minutes. They want fast response times in today’s fast-moving world where time is money.
But at the same time, they are more inclined towards the AI-enabled Interactive Voice Response systems that connect the callers to the specialized agents as per the customer case.
This will surely be a call center technology trend in 2020 and the choice of many like always.
4. Modern Self Assist Tools
It is efficient in handling the user queries where direct live agent support is not required at initial stages. Cases like checking the order status, bill payment history, pending bill payments, refund confirmation, and product shipment status do not require a live agent support as they are automated using the self-assisted tools.
Users can directly get the answers to these questions from an IVR system so that the live agents can handle more complex queries and issues that require a manual check.
Self-assist tools mostly include tutorials and FAQs with which the customer can educate themselves about any troubleshooting or service-related issues.
5. Improve Business Services with Analytics
Analytics is and has always been an integral part of any business. Analytics allows businesses to evaluate their performance, thus making the right decision helping in further growth.
This can be done through follow-up phone calls or emails to the clients to determine whether they are satisfied with the services or not, hence taking steps for improvement. With analytics-driven business, you can ensure the preference of your client – live agent support or self-service.
Wrapping Up
As per a survey report by Deloitte, 46% of companies feel that customer satisfaction is more important than revenue. This surely means that the focus has shifted from just earning revenue to making your customers feel special and privileged by providing quality customer support.
In the world of growing business and simultaneous development in technology, to grow your business, owning a modern call center should be one of your success strategies.
Connect with Vtechnologist if you have any further questions.